ATR 72-500 delivery
13/10/2007 22:38 UTCMichael K.
The four brand-new ATRs 72-500 are going to be delivered on October 16th. All the ATRs are departing from Toulouse to Prague at 16:00 UTC. After the delivery, we will use them to serve destinations like Berlin, Innsbruck and Turin. Pilots who will take care of these flights will get an award to their profiles.
If you wish to fly one of the delivery flights, book your flight in the Flights section. Please take some screenshots and upload them after the delivery.
Recommended routing
FL180: MEN G53 LTP N871 KUDES/N0270F190 N871 BAMUR/N0270F210 N871 DOBEN (699 nm)
FL200: MEN UN871 KUDES/N0270F210 UN871 BAMUR N871 DOBEN (699 nm)
Duration: 3:10
Apron at Toulouse: Alfa
Stands at Toulouse
for OK-CWG: A20
for OK-CWH: A22
for OK-CWI: A23
for OK-CWJ: A24
14:51:34 UTC